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Foundations Let's talk about foundations we need to incorporate before jumping into draina

If you’ve been wanting to do a parasite cleanse to improve your IBS, skin issues, period pain, and anxiety but have no idea where to start or what to do… the parasite project is for you!


This self paced program will teach you everything you need to know about parasite cleansing so you can take your health into your own hands. 

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Parasite cleansing can sound very intimidating. We have been there before, putting our cleanse off for a year because we were too scared to see what would come out or trying to convince ourselves that there was no way we could have parasites. In reality, we had almost every symptom pointing to an infection.


Whether you have done a parasite cleanse before or are brand new to it, the parasite project will take you through a step by step process for opening up your drainage pathways and effectively cleansing parasites. 

We know that you will most likely have so many questions about the process. You will be happy to know that we will be here to support you! You will be able to ask questions in the course and our facebook comm. Together, let's heal ourselves and our clients. You are not alone on your journey!


  • Are you tired of cutting out certain foods, and still not getting results?

  • Do you feel lost when it comes to what to eat on a parasite cleanse- not sure what to avoid and what foods to include?

  • Are you unsure of what supplements to take, how much you need to take, and for how long?

  • You hear how stool testing isn't accurate- but you don’t know how to find out if you have parasites and what ones you are dealing with?

  • If you are ready to get into parasite cleansing with confidence, then The Parasite Project is for you! Not only will you learn the foundations of health, how to open up drainage pathways, and effectively cleansing parasites, but you will also have access to two holistic practitioners and a community who is starting off just like you! 

  • Access to 100+ slides and video lessons about foundations, drainage, and parasite cleansing, so you can cleanse successfully

  • Steps on what to do to prepare your body for a parasite cleanse

  • Examples of how to create a protocol that is best for YOU or YOUR CLIENTS. No two protocols should ever look the same

  • Supplement recommendations 

  • Discount codes for supplements, tests, and healing modalities 

  • A community of friends who are going through the same process as you 

  • Access to Yildiz and Britt so you will always have guidance

  • Recommendations for the best programs to either start your practitioner journey or to learn more about root cause if you already are one 



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  • The foundations of health

  • What are our drainage pathways and how do you know if they are open?

  • Are you ready to start a parasite cleanse?

  • Types of Parasites and how we get them

  • Testing for Parasites

  • Conditions associated with Parasites

  • What helps Parasites thrive

  • Anti-parasitic foods and supplements

  • What are biofilms and how do we disrupt them

  • What are herx/die off reactions and how do I support them

  • Biohacking tools

  • Where can I order tests for myself and clients

  • Over 100 slides and multiple video lessons on foundations of health, opening up drainage pathways, and everything you need to know about parasite cleansing

  • Clarity on how to walk you and your clients through an effective cleanse 

  • A community of friends and practitioners who are starting off just like you

  • Access to TWO holistic practitioners

  • Support and accountability

  • Discount codes for supplements, testing, and biohacking tools

  • Recommendations on how to take your practice to the next level or how to begin your practitioner journey


Please email with any questions you have!​

With Gratitude, Britt & Yildiz
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